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Advice and support 

16th August 2024 Testament - 

Dawn Paula  d re: our 'mother'...
margaret florence rose our mother, was a prostitute. You need to understand and accept that. While renting us out to paedophiles, she took great care in making sure we were all in conflict with each other which meant none of us would talk about what she was doing to us. Unfortunately, some of our siblings lives ended tragically due to resorting to substance abuse i.e. Andrew, Fred, Kim, their problems were never resolved.
Each of us had a different biological father some of whom worked within or for norfolk coucil. ncc are desparately trying to hide what they and that evil woman done to us. Behind all norfolk child abuse/paedophilia is the family of actress olivia colman and freemason ed sinclair. Ask Gerry, he should know that. ... and you expected sympathy when you told me our prostitute 'mother' died - sound like trauma bonding!
No-one from norfolk services ever rescued any of us from the inherent council paedophilia in fact, they sold us on to other 'care' facilities to be abused further. Talk to me if you want but, I will continue exposing what happened to us through norfolk council. See the news/blog regarding norfolk council abuse here -  

My father was tobius hatch, 

yours and Kim's father was mr fakes (the stores hemsby)

tony's father was uncle donald (Molly's husband)

.. ... ... 

My ex is an alcoholic working towards taking my son from me with the help of social services. While this dispute is ongoing, the police at my home were witness to a statement made by my ex over the phone. 'He stated that he would burn down my home while myself and child were in it'. On this basis alone, I believe social services and the police should be working together to protect myself and son from someone threatening to harm us. But, he is using social services and the courts to have my son taken away from me. 
My son is autistic and by this alone I believe his safety would be at serious risk if he was given to my alcoholic ex. I have no words to describe how I feel about this situation. A hearing is taking place very soon and I'm desperate for someone to advise me on this matter. Will someone help me please? 17/04/21.

2018 when my grandchildren were illegally removed by Kent Council Council
Social worker Christopher Colin Tasker and director of Hartsdene Trust a front for trafficking of boys to elite paedophile rings. I have been investigating individual social workers, the structure and policies of children’s services and the involvement of Adoption Agencies. This has lead me to investigated companies and individuals linked to adoption agencies.
During this time i joined many Facebook groups where I have heard first hand the shocking truth that our family were certainly not alone as victims of the family court and social services. I have throughout this journey told people in authority, ie my MP each shocking discovery. Only yesterday I found the link between the government policy making body and advisors and child trafficking taking place by local authorities and VAAs.
James Spencer Butler was caught "on the job" by his own stupidity asking a café owner for temporary accommodation near Barrow in Furness. I became suspicious when I found out his rather dubious back story. Knowing there was corruption and grooming gang cover up already taking place in Barrow in Furness. The Ellie Williams case. I sent a screenshot of his profile before he altered it. I spoke to and recorded my conversation with Butler. He completely fabricated an employment history both present and in the past. (sent in a separate email) I checked with social Work England who confirmed that James Spencer Butler worked at a private adoption agency in Central Manchester, so I rang one of two agencies listed in that area. Caritas Care Ltd confirmed that he was employed there as a team manager. He was also a team manager at Sidra Medical and research hospital built by Bill Gates and run by Lord Darzi. He had been to a static caravan park called Meadowlands near Barrow in Furness, set up a "family unit" with his project team members and trafficked the children through there. He only told the café owner he was from Essex Council and was "helping failing children’s services". Gerry Hannah from Parenting Together Charity and myself sent the evidence and names of victims to the CPA after checking the evidence with a top  law firm in Leeds.
Moving on to the research into Company House and social workers/Adoption agencies.
I knew from my investigation into both Tasker and Spencer that Social workers often have private companies so using information from victims and Linked in I started to gather evidence of other social workers with Companies who were known to have lied to forcibly remove children in Family Courts. When Josh MacAllister was put forward as the Chair of the review into children’s services, I checked out his credentials.
My findings I have screen shot. His frontline trustees, and their links are of particular interest and concern.
Yesterday I was helping a victim of forced adoption in Aberdeen and while I was looking at VAAs operating in that area I came across the name Shohtak. I thought, "Well that's an unusual name, let's check him out on Companies house, LinkedIn, Who's Who and a general search. He lead me on to Professor Pearce. Here are  direct links from forced adoption, VAA's and government policy. I have an awful lot more, if you need to know more, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Hello, I've not really been physically hurt, but the emotional abuse I've endured, has left me craving no feelings, so I've ended up in the drug cycle, numbing my emotions with painkillers, weed, heroine, and amphetamines, I started smoking weed at eleven, my mum's boyfriend was 48. 
He'd ask if I wanted to go to the gym with him, he'd let me smoke, (cigs and weed), he'd give me a bottle of beer, or let me watch horrors, when my mum thought Ghostbusters was too scary. 
All these things make an 11 year old feel good and grown up. Then one day, he exposed himself to me, tried getting me to touch him. I didn't understand what he was doing, what eleven year old would? A man who has slept in your home with your mum for years. I didn't know at the time that all these years later, it would affect me the way it did, all I know is the amount of sleep I've lost, it freaks me out to think how many more girlfriends with little girls he's had in the last two decades. I started to act out drinking, spending my days smoking bongs instead of going to school, even so young I knew how messed up the situation was and made every attempt to not be there when he was, I hated my mum. 
It was all on me, I was naughty or hard work, an attention seeker and wasn't like my sisters and brother. That was the first thing her man picked up on too and because of how many things were bad at home I'd run away, then he'd be the one she'd send out to find me though he was the whole reason I was scared to go home. Him and my mum broke up when I was about fourteen and after an explosive argument my mum asked why am I like this. l looked at her and practically spat at her, why don't you ask the pervert you just had in your bed for the last five years. She believed me and took me to the police.
I would have left it, but she told me, "if I found out he'd done the same thing to another little girl it would haunt me", so I reported him to the police. It was me vs him, I told the truth, but there's no proof. At least his name will be flagged with nonce's  names, its all I could do. 

Hi, my name is Donna. I want you to know that if you've been abused as a child and you're on the pathway to recovering from the trauma, your life is going to be tough. Wondering why no-one listens let alone believe you, is not an option. That recovery path is fraught with danger, Labelling, silencing and threats. 
In my heart I know there is a resolution, a way forward in my life where I'm able to see what's happened to me, accept it and deal with the pain. In the end I would love to find those answers as to why I was harmed so severely as a child. I had, like many other victims and survivors of abuse, tried to escape from this real life only to be brought back to fight on and heal. I am doing that right now. I'm reliving, accepting and helping those at risk avoid the danger so prevalent in society. 
As I go through my recovery you will see how I'm mending, how my soul is repairing and most importantly to me, help protect those most vulnerable children. 
I will add to my story as time goes on so you'll be able to see what's happened and how I've dealt with it. It's my way of recovering.

Donna - My Progress:
Imagine all child protection groups standing united as one against forced adoption and childhood abuse!!
Imagine the people seeing this site with your own victim and survivor stories. This would be a site to behold, it would be so massive that it would probably shock us all to see how big this problem is in the UK. Its really bad and has been going on for years and years before I was born in truth! It needs to come out in the press and society everywhere.
My son is 32, I'm looking for him now he is old enough to understand it all? I was abused as a child in the system after abuse near my nans. They took our children from us at the kids homes too its massive. Sadly lots lost their lives.
Because of all this what about justice for these people to have their voices heard? Its so sad and all in the name of money. it's awful I'm damaged from it all and I just hope my son is OK, I'm never going to be thought of as mum and I will be lucky if he even wants to talk to me, that I dread. If he's does decide to see me I believe he will judge me and think bad of me because he may not have been told the truth about what happened to me his mother. Will he even be able to understand when the public reaction is to ignore what happens to children.
The child equals money culture means they still takes your kids and them kids that don't get adopted out they end up in the system children's homes so young must be so damaging not all go to foster either and parents end up on the street or die or become addicts or bad choices with partners etc. We also punish ourselves because we feel bad. I couldn't have anymore children so in a way I'm lucky I couldn't cope with them taking them time and time again.
Me now; I'm using my life story to help and support other people in the same situation as me. I feel good doing this and have many new friends. I feel helping others is therapeutic for me. *I have found an agency who are helping me to make contact with my son.* xoxo

Donna's Update 05/10/2021

I'm still recovering but, have put my life experiences to good use by supporting abuse survivors and safeguarding children.

Comment 11/07/21: You have worked so hard and in spite of the hardships you're enduring right now you deserve every good thing to happen for you. Thank you for being a major part of our team at unite-protect children.

Donna Update 10/10/2021

Have recently got my SAR's and WOW, how the services allow children to be abused is beyond comprehension. When I've put the matters in order I'm certainly going to publish them so you can see the damage caused to children and how it affects them in later life. DB

Social Service Evil at it's worst...

Jay Shaw 20 May 2021 · 

This may be a little long winded, but please if you have the time to read this.. PLEASE do so. I will shed light on the most corrupt system in existence. This needs to be told. I will no longer be silenced by all powerful corrupt officials. 

2007: I was a normal happy 30yo guy doing what normal decent 30yo guys do. I downloaded DECENT images of teen girls. Images were clothed and carried a disclaimer saying that they were non nude and 100% LEGAL. I mean come on there's a whole top shelf in newsagents dedicated to club 18.. tasty teens etc. I did retrieve some indecent images via hyperlink and deleted the images immediately. (Being by hyperlink i can't see what they are until downloaded).

A young girl who was a friend of my children was in my house and lay on sofa watching children’s television programmes. She placed her feet on my leg, where she kept them as she watched television. I was arrested for indecent images. At a later date I was visited by police again and was arrested for sexual assault.  When I was questioned, the police claim that the girls foot on my leg was sexual assault. 

I was forced to leave my home and was kept away from my partner and my children. 

Spent a few nights on the street with no place to stay. I then stayed in a box room at my father’s old house. He married and moved to live with his new wife. His old council house was empty. His house was like a landfill site, crawling with maggots. I had no belongings and the room had no furniture whatsoever. No carpets or even wallcoverings. I slept on bare floorboards with no duvet or any type of covering at all, throughout the winter at temperatures as low as -3 degrees C.

Received threats including death threats from people who heard rumours claiming I had sexually abused a child. Father received threats and was assaulted by someone even though it was nothing to do with him. Couldn’t and still can’t enter Farnworth, and have to keep looking over my shoulder even walking to local shop.

Former friends have even been took in by rumours and turned against me. I am also receiving abuse and once received a threat at my place of work by a FAMILY member.

My designated social worker has gone way too personal with her approach to the situation. Going beyond her powers to make things as hard as possible for me. She told me to IGNORE my bail conditions and tried imposing her own on me.

 I sat through supervised visits with my children where other social workers scribbled away in a pad at EVERY move I made.

When I hugged them, they noted it. When I kissed them, they noted it. When one of my children mentioned they needed the toilet, the supervisor would literally JUMP out if their seat and say they’d do it because I’m not allowed! I haven’t seen my 1st child since Christmas day which was supervised. And now I have no contact with him at all. I don’t have an address for him or any contact number.

When I went into hospital with my partner as she was in labour with my 4th child, we had no one to look after our other children. This was a very stressful time which made my partner very ill. I couldn’t go and have my kids and we didn’t seem to have any other options.

My partner told the midwives she was going to discharge herself DURING labour, because we had no other option! The midwife advised against this, saying it could be FATAL to both my partner and our unborn child. My partner never had any support from her family and called my mother mum, because she was so ashamed of her own. She asked both her mum and her sister if they could watch our other children while she was in labour. They BOTH refused claiming they were TIRED! Partner explained there’s no other option but to discharge herself which could kill them both. They still refused saying sorry love, can’t help you!

Our social worker continued to be especially awkward towards me. At just a few weeks old, H our latest child was seriously ill in hospital.  He had something wrong with his heart. It got so serious at one point they phoned my partner to say he’s in such a bad way, it’s touch and go whether he makes it through the night. She rung me and I said I’ll pick her up and we’ll go up to the hospital. She said she’ll let the social worker know we are going first. Then she rung me back saying the social worker said I WASN’T ALLOWED! Even though this might be the last time I see my son alive, I’m not allowed to go and see him. Apparently I was a high risk of sexually abusing him, while he lay ill, in a hospital FULL of people. I sat at home on the freezing floorboards crying and waiting for any phone call I might receive. Luckily he pulled through.

My partner since then was constantly badgered and pressured into leaving me for good. Even though we lived apart, we stayed in a relationship. The social worker told her she wants my partner to split up with me and have nothing to do with me anymore. Constant torment finally became too much for my partner, and she called off our relationship. After speaking to my solicitor, I have been told that the social worker wasn’t allowed to pressure my partner the way she did. She also had no right to keep me from my son that night in the hospital. I have been treated this way for over 18 months now and still I’M the monster. I’m still receiving death threats and all this because a child put her FOOT on my leg! Who’s the monster? WHO has been ABUSED? 

At my appearance in court I was spoken to by my solicitor and barrister, who told me I’m definitely looking at time in prison. I prepared myself for the worst. In the courtroom the judge asked what I was being charged with, prosecution replies “sexual assault”. After reading all the paperwork in entirety the judge asks.. but where’s the assault? The prosecution explain that the foot on my leg is sexual assault. The judge said he had a choice to make. Whether to send me to prison or give me some kind of community order. I was advised to plead guilty to the child having her foot on my leg, which I did, because the fact is it happened. I NEVER sexually assaulted her and I NEVER said it was sexual. Even the judge was absolutely dumbstruck that I was being done for sexual assault. But he said that because of my guilty plea he has no option but to hand out a punishment. He said if I’d have gone “not guilty" he'd have laughed it out of court. For this reason only he said he cannot send me to prison. He opted for the MINIMUM he could give me which was a 3 year community order. I have to attend probation and a sex offenders program. The probation has ONE goal.  To FORCE me to say I’m a risk to children. To say I MITE sexually assault a child unless I receive their help on their offenders program.

I will NEVER admit to anything that I know will NEVER happen!

The catch is, if I don’t show “progress” I may end up back before the judge who could then send me to prison after all. I will be placed amongst prisoners who have done UNMENTIONABLE things to children, things you'd never want to think about let alone discuss. I’ve been FORCED to sign the sex offenders register, which will mean I’m tarred with the same brush as all the REAL offenders on there. 

Since being in court I have spoken to my ex partner who said she had been threatened by one of her neighbours.  The neighbour threatened her for the simple fact I didn’t get sent to prison.  That is the mentality of some people. How are those people going to feel when they read this and finally learn the truth.

I want to get on with my life after all that has happened, but I’m STILL getting threatened because people don’t know the TRUTH!

So I wanted to let everyone know the truth, but once again I was warned that if I go to the papers with my story, I will be more at risk of going to prison. To be honest though, a clear conscience in prison is more appealing to me than a life on the outside being branded a CHILD MOLESTER!

For having a foot on my leg! So once again, who is the abuser here? Me? Or the SYSTEM??

I ended up having to move out of my father’s old home and ended up homeless. I mentioned my predicament to a friend who happened to be looking for someone to move in with him, to help share the bills. I stayed there 3 weeks until I was asked to leave because the council told him I wasn’t allowed to stay there. His sister A used to call there with her friend L. A had a young son, but L had a flat with a spare bedroom and had no children. L offered me her spare room which I accepted having nowhere else to go. 

I started a relationship with A. I let her know all about my circumstances and she was willing to give me a chance, and give our relationship a go. 

I was visited by a police officer called Glen*. He told me he was going to take up my case and call in on me from time to time. Told me that everywhere I go and everything I did he would know about. Told me that if he wanted, at the click of his fingers he could put out a surveillance order on me with cost being no object.

He was working closely with my probation officer and social services.  Glen and my probation worker Gaynor* visited me at L’s and hit me with a problem straight from the start. L had a photograph of her 2 young nieces on her windowsill. These girls never came round and I had never met them. Glen and Gaynor told L that if she didn’t ask me to leave her house, they would put her nieces on child protection register even though I had NEVER met them, and was highly unlikely to.

They did this because A lived in the flat above and they didn’t want me anywhere near her. Given no choice L had to ask me to leave. 

I got a one room bedsit of my own, but still visited A and L. The authorities weren’t even happy with me going to visit them and they wanted to split me and A up. They had a meeting with A and L with the intention of telling them all about me and getting A to end the relationship. A refused to split up with me and told them that she was giving me a chance. 

Glen resorted to lying to A about me to make things sound a lot worse about me to make her leave. Glen started a campaign against me, trying everything he could to split us up. He lied about me, then told A she HAD to leave me other they would take her child away from her. We knew he couldn’t do this, but he kept pressing insisting he could do ANYTHING HE WANTED!

He told me what I could and couldn’t do, even though he wasn’t LEGALLY allowed to do so. Everything he told me I knew was wrong, but he said if I contested it I was looking at going to prison. He was abusing his power. When I DID contest it and proved him wrong he would just throw something else at me. I beat him EVERY time and he knew this. He was powerless to do anything but he said he’ll win in the eld because he’ll just put me in a hostel and stop me seeing A that way. Then the relationship will end. 

After talking to my solicitor I was told that Glen, Gaynor and social services are ALL out of order in the way they treated me. Also they have ALL abused their powers and were not allowed to dictate my life. Even though I have told the authorities this, they continue to punish me, knowing they are BREAKING THE LAW in doing so. 

I went to see mt solicitor who at the time was a man called Colin. I told him how Gaynor was treating me, and with each thing I told him he said, "no she can't do that, and she can't do that, and she can't etc etc". I said but she IS! He gave me instructions on what to say at my next meeting with her. I was due to see her that day. When the session started, sessions last one hour. I said I have something to tell you, she butted in and didn't let me speak. I said again I just need to tell you.. Once again she butted in and didn't let me speak. I said wat I have to say will take 30 seconds. The session lasts 1 hour. If I can say wat i came to say, she can rabbit on for the next 59 and a half minutes. She said I am not there to dictate to her how the session goes. SHE is in charge, so SHE decides who talks and when. I lost my temper a bit and raised my voice a little, I said MY SOLICITOR TOLD ME TO TELL YOU.... at this point she put her fingers in her ears, and started to go LA LA LA LA LA... this is a "professional", probation officer! A woman id have put in her late 50s to early 60s.. and she acted like a complete child who wasn't getting her way in the schoolyard! . I hit the roof! I flung the chair across the room and booted the door open. I was LIVID... once again. Clear abuse of power! 

I went back to my solicitor and literally broke down in front of Colin. I couldn't help but cry my eyes out I felt so helpless. 

I went home that night and had a few drinks, then chased them down with a load of pills. I felt completely helpless. I had no other way out. 

The moment I had taken them, that very moment was instant regret. All I could picture in my head was my children asking where dad was. And them being told daddy's never coming back. I felt so ashamed at what I had just done. I immediately phoned emergency services. An ambulance arrived and took me to hospital. I was treated and given a charcoal drink to soak up anything I had ingested. Kept in overnight for observations, then released home. I was ill for a while and during this illness I missed an appointment with Gaynor. Then I received a letter saying I had to attend court, because of breach of order for non attendance. Wen I got into court my solicitor explained I was unable to attend due to hospitalisation. The court was adjourned to gather evidence.

Wen I got back into court my solicitor provided evidence to the matter, so I was found not guilty of breach. However prosecution solicitor stood up and said Gaynor feels she can work with him better if I was placed in a probation hostel. The judge agreed. So even though I was found NOT GUILTY. I was punished anyway??  So not only are police, probation and social services playing at little Hitler, even the judges are backing them up. Since when do people found NOT GUILTY take a punishment anyway? 

I organised a meeting with Glen and social services. A and L were present. I proved in that room about the lies that Glen had told about me and he pathetically tried to worm his way out of it.

I informed him I was going to press charges against him and he just laughed and said bring it on. He said that I cannot get him in trouble as he is ABOVE THE LAW! He can lie about me, abuse his position and break the law and there’s nothing I can do about it. 

I have been manipulated, abused, lied to and treated in this way yet I am still doing all I can to be open and honest and he is still threatening to get me into as much trouble as possible.

Glen, Gaynor AND social services have all broken more laws than me, yet I’m still the one who’s being punished over and over again. Once again.. who is the abuser here?

31/10/2007 Met Becki.
Started a relationship with Becki. At this time I was still on probation and attending appointments with Gaynor. I mentioned my new relationship to Gaynor (which was mandatory), immediately she demanded to see Becki and asked if I could bring her with me to my next appointment. Gaynor spent the whole appointment talking to Becki rather than myself. She was asking Becki what she knew about me and my conviction. Becki said I had gone into depth with her, but Gaynor was insistent I had probably left stuff out and went into detail about my conviction. Then she spent the remainder of the appointment suggesting to Becki that a relationship with me was a bad idea and she would be best to end the relationship. Becki said she was sticking by me and Gaynor said she will do all she can to make sure the relationship ended. (where have I heard this before)?

Gaynor then went ahead and contacted Beckis family, telling them EVERYTHING about me. What I had been convicted of, and the restrictions that I was living with. Now Becki was legally an adult, What right did Gaynor have to do this? Becki wasn't in a good relationship with her family to start off with, but this gave them the opportunity to start a hate campaign against me. 

Becki was also forced to quit her job. Becki worked in a nursery and had done since school. She had gained qualifications in the position and enjoyed her work. I had no impact on the situation. I never went anywhere near her place of work. Becki is NOT subject to an order, Becki does NOT have any conditions or limitations, yet she was being told what she can and can't do.

Early 2017
Becki and I tried to start a new venture and we opened a chip shop. We rented the premises, paid bonds, paid fees, set it up, bought stock, advertised. We put everything we had into the business. We started on a limited budget but we pulled it off. We opened the chippy and was starting to build it up, started to recognise the same faces and had regulars. I had previously suffered with long terms of unemployment, so this was a fantastic opportunity for us both. 

We found out Becki was pregnant. We had appointments to attend, doctors, midwife, scans etc. We managed to work these around the chippy, but it was hard work. Long hours.

Somehow Beckis family found out information about the pregnancy and about the shop, even though we have no contact and we are in different areas. They contacted the police and social services. By this time Becki was heavily pregnant. Over 8 months, almost term. We had a visit from my SOMU manager who told me I am not allowed in the shop. I was never to enter the building again. This left Becki over 8months pregnant holding the reins in the chippy. She obviously couldn't manage this alone without me. We were forced to close the shop. We have never returned. We are fully expecting one day to find bailiffs hammering on the door to collect, as we were in a contract with the rental of the premises. 

Now in the conditions of my order, it specifies that I may not be in the company of any female under the age of 18 UNLESS in the purpose of transactions within a retail environment. So even if a minor did come into the chip shop, my conditions permitted me to engage in a transaction. So what grounds did my SOMU manager have to tell me i am not allowed in the shop? Clear abuse of power!

Stacey (SOMU manager) speaks to me saying I need to apply to be removed from the order. This has been mentioned many years ago but nothing came of it. She said my solicitor is the one dragging his feet on it. I have a meeting with Mr Robinson (solicitor) asking him to help me remove my order. He said he's contacted SOMU and they haven't responded. They are dragging their feet. I told him that is exactly what SOMU are saying about him. He wasn't happy at all and was visibly annoyed with SOMU. I later receive info that SOMU agree that if I undertake a lie detector test, they will consider my removal. Stacey told me that it will be carried out by a 3rd party that are nothing to do with police, probation etc. They will be straight down the middle and totally unbiased. 

I attend Atherton police station to undergo the test. When I arrive a lady plugs me into the machine and describe what is going to happen. THEN she says to me, "you don't have to worry about disclosing very personal things and some very embarrassing things that you may think you can't say to a stranger.. but don't worry, I am used to hearing these sorts of things.. this is what I do for a living, I have the same job description as Stacey.. I AM A SOMU MANAGER"!

After researching this further I find out that lie detector test evidence is NOT admissible in a court of law, because.. they are unreliable!

12/12/2017 Becki gave birth to our son H.

Social services called and told me I MUST leave my address. H was 8days old. They said they need to run checks on me, but until the checks are carried out I am not to have ANY contact with my child. I was distraught, I was thinking here we go again. Am I going to have another child that I may never see again?

I spent the 1st couple of nights asleep in my car, during the christmas period. I missed H’s 1st christmas and couldn't even see my wife. It was cold but it's not like I haven't been here before. My mum found out I was sleeping in the car and gave me some money to book into a hotel. I spent a couple weeks there, then my mum said money was running out and she couldn't afford to keep paying for hotel. She helped me to find a flat. She paid the deposit for me and the 1st months rent. I signed a 12month agreement (the minimum available). 

I received a phone  call off social services and they asked me to meet them at my house where Becki and H were. My SOMU manager will also be present. I met with them, the first time i'd seen both my wife and child since I left. They said they had completed the relevant checks needed and I was free to return home to my family.

Now I have 6 sons. 5 of which I haven't seen since 2007. Yet my order restricts my contact with FEMALE minors! Are SOMU and social services really having trouble distinguishing the difference between males and females?

I ring the landlord from the flat I rented apologizing and saying due to very extreme circumstances I no longer need the flat. I know I only been there 3 days and I realise I was in a contract, but is there anything we can do? He asked about the property, I said it is in exactly the same condition I only went there to sleep 3 nights. He said it's fine, don’t worry about it he will relist the property. I had only been there 3 days, but I’m paid up for the month, and keep the bond. We left the conversation on a positive.

Some time later I have a phone call from Becki, she was panicking because we had bailiffs at the door. Because I wasn't present and my name was on the order they left, but left a contact number. When I got home I called the number, spoke to the bailiff. Turns out the landlord from the flat that I spent a total 3days in, has taken me to court to pay the full 12months rent as I was still in a contract. Ongoing.

We have the news we are expecting another child. We have sent blood off to a private company who have informed us we are having another boy. At 20weeks scan the sonographer confirmed we are having a boy. I inform my SOMU manager, and also social services. They are currently running the same checks as last time.. Yet I am residing at home with H.

Both Stacey (SOMU) and Laura (social services) attend my home. Stacey said I need to have an upto date assessment done. 

I spoke to my solicitor and he said I do NOT need to complete any such assessment and advised me not to take it.

I attended Atherton Police station and spoke to Stacey in the foyer. I told her on advice from my solicitor I will not be taking the assessment. Stacey said my solicitor is probably unaware of what the assessment is for, he must have it confused with something else.  

In her 1st sentence she said the assessment is nothing to do with SOMU or my SOPO, it's for social services to determine the risk to my unborn child. She expressed how important it is that i take it immediately as we were so close to baby due date.

In her 2nd sentence, she said that as I am not far from being due in court to have my SOR/SOPO removed, I will HAVE to have it done, or I'll have ZERO chance of being removed. Yet in her previous sentence she said the assessment was nothing to do with SOMU/SOPO. She blatantly lied to me in consecutive sentences! I pulled her on this and said you've just lied to my face. She backtracked and said it's for social services risk assessment. So why was I there? Why was I in a police station? Why were the police doing the assessment? Social services make their own assessments.

Laura (social services) phoned me and said that it's good news. They have done their assessment (funny eh?).. and they have no more concerns, and sign me off. Also signing off my child H and my unborn child from their care.

My wife Becki gives birth to our child whom we name C. I am present during birth by Caesarean and later with Becki and C on the ward. Then I leave to be with our other child H. Becki and C stay on ward overnight.

I get a phone call off Becki. She says that the staff have moved her onto a sideward (private room), because they have received a phone call to say that I am not allowed on ward with the other new born babies. Becki was very angry and embarrassed! No we had already previously had the phone call from Laura (social services) to say that no further checks or action was needed and my file was closed. So obviously the phone call couldn't have come from social services. That only leaves Stacey (SOMU).

Stacey (SOMU) rings me and says she is aware I have applied to the court and listing is imminent. She then said she is aware my solicitor has advised me NOT to agree to another lie detector test, but she HAS to offer me one anyway. After the last shambolic affair of course I refused. She said it would go in my favour at court. I had to remind her that lie detector tests are NOT admissible in a court of law! So of course she's just lying AGAIN!
I am given a court date of 29th Dec 2020 to hear application to have my register and sopo removed. But before the date I need to have an assessment done by Stacey. Stacey attends my home during the middle of December. We have an in depth chat for a couple of hours. Also she takes my mobile phone and checks the device. All images and videos are checked. Also devices browsing history is checked. Also checks laptop for same. She says everything was fine. Devices are clean. And she will write up a report to support my application to be removed in court.

I attend court on 29th December. Report from Stacey is read aloud. Judge agrees that I am to be removed from offenders register and sopo. 

Finally on the 29th of December 2020 my nightmare is over! I am finally a free man!

Now everything you have just read has been documented over the last 14 long hard years of my life. I kept this record so that once I am removed and a free man, I can use these writings to press charges on all the people who have gone way beyond their power in abusing me. I have had to wait because I cannot pursue this while under their control. I had to wait until I was free. After I was given my freedom on 29th Dec, my only mistake was I was VERY vocal. I let it be well known that shit was about to hit the fan. 

On 4th January 2021 Stacey attended my home with other officers and social services. FIVE DAYS AFTER RELEASE!
I was arrested on suspicion of having indecent images on my phone. I was taken to station and interviewed. Apparently they received information I had images sent to my phone in November. But…. How can this be? My device was checked by Stacey herself after this date in December? And all my browsing history was present. 

Stacey has taken my threats of prosecution seriously. And she is scared. And so she should be. So how can she protect herself? By putting ME back in the spotlight.

It is now 14th May.. I have been away from my wife and children since 4th January. My children are on child protection with social services. My wife is going through hell dealing with almost daily visits from social services. All the while looking after my 3 year old and my 6month old. 

I am now homeless. I am sleeping in my car wherever I can park without arousing suspicion. 

The first week my 3 year old said, Where’s daddy? He’s staying with grandma while he helps her decorate
Days later. Where’s daddy? He’s  staying with grandma while he helps in her garden. Day later. Where’s daddy?. . 

A couple of week ago my wife phoned me and wat she told me ripped my heart out. Instead of his usual question of Where’s daddy? He said, daddy’s not coming home anymore is he? Is it because he doesn’t love us? That was the final straw. My heart broke. It is ongoing. 

The biggest problem is it’s the big organisations versus little me.. I need to get this far and wide. PLEASE..

Please share this as much as possible. If the authorities get hold they will try to take it down. I have just had to rewrite all of this because Stacey confiscated my written copies of this, claiming its “evidence" as to my state of mind. If its shared many many times, it will stay out there. Would I broadcast this all over the Internet if I had anything to hide? I just have no other way of defeating these bastards, but to get this out there with support. They can silence me, but they can’t silence many. 

Please, please help, I’ve nowhere else to turn, and my family don’t deserve this. They are being abused on a daily basis by the system. 

I don't for one moment believe that I'm the only one this can be happening to. These people MUST be stopped. They need prosecuting And removing from their positions of power.  It may be a little too late for me. But they can't be allowed to do this to anyone else too. There's such things as human rights.  They shouldn't be able to treat even a guilty person like this. Let alone someone guilty of nothing more than someone putting their feet up on his leg. 

My wife Becki is currently housebound, and has taken H out of school, because she is terrified after receiving threats. She sits in the home with all doors locked. I am not allowed at home to protect my family. If you got this far, thank you for reading. Deepest thanks and love.

Brian Clare
my story - Institutional Abuse
A Story of a Real Survivor of Institutional Abuse - 'Survivor' is a contributor to Dads Place [FORUMS] I was born on the 23rd January 1968. In 1977 at the age of nine years old I was taken into the care of the local authority by the then, Sunderland Borough Council's, Social Services Department. As a child I was considered to be a 'problem child' and I lived with my mother who was a single parent. During my early years my behaviour was such that my mother enlisted the support of Sunderland Social Services, and together, they decided that the care home system was the only way to control me. I understand that the reason I was taken into care was due to the fact that I had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). On or about 25 January 1977 I was placed in a local authority assessment centre and I remained there for one a half years. Between 18 July 1977and 26 August 1977 I was placed in a children's home in Northumberland. I was returned to the assessment home between 26 August 1977 and 16 February 1978 before being transferred to another home in Sunderland, until September 1978, when again I was moved back to the assessment home. On 8 January 1979 I was moved to a very notorious home and I left care completely shortly before my 16th birthday. Stannington Grove Hospital Before I was subjected to a care order, at the age of six I was admitted to Stannington Grove Hospital. I recall on a daily basis having been subjected to abuse. I was frequently being punched and hit by other children. The staff chose to do nothing about it. Emsworth House Assessment Centre When I first entered Emsworth House I was eight years old. I recall clearly, being taken to a side room with my mother. I ran away from the home shortly after admission and the only reason was simply to be with my mam. My punishment for running away was to regarded as a runaway risk and I was therefore treated like a prisoner. The secure unit was like a cell. I remember that there were no light switches or door handles on the inside of the room and there was one plastic light fitting in the centre of the ceiling. In the door to the room there was a single square window which looked out onto the hall outside. The glass of course was reinforced. The bed was a rudimentary block with a mattress sat on it. The mattress and the pillows all had plastic covers on and there was no real bedding to speak of. Anyway I had to be content with my surroundings as I was required to spend seventeen hours in the secure unit each day. I have horrible memories of long nights spent in that room and it would true to say that suicide crossed my mind on many occasions. I stole a knife from the class room, during the day, to cut my wrists. I hid it under the mattress. I never did go through with it I was allowed out of the secure unit during the day to attend a class room. I have distinct memories of an old lady who clearly liked her job who used to teach in the class. She regularly placed drawing pins on my chair and forced me to sit on them. She was also very fond of the ruler as a means of corporal punishment and she would often strike my knuckles with it. Another feature of class was the dunce hat, it was a conical hat, like you see in the cartoons. We would be made to wear this hat at times when we were considered to have done something wrong or stupid. My education was not furthered because of any of my time spent in that class room. In the secure unit I would be forced to go without clothes and had to go for periods of time, naked. Not only was this very cold but it was also degrading for an eight year old boy. Night times were especially bad at Emsworth. I recall one male worker who would visit my room on a night and stand outside of my room looking through the glass at me. He would then switch the light on quickly for five to twenty minutes. This used to be make me very scared. I can see no other reason why he would do this at all, other than to make me frightened. The same member of staff also abused me sexually. He had previously been a priest. He used to fondle my genitals and he would pull my pyjama bottoms down. At the time my hair was like Michael Jackson's and my pyjama top had a picture of Michael Jackson on it. This man made me masturbate him. He also raped me which caused me intense pain. To this day it is extremely traumatic to talk about the sexual abuse I was subjected to. Witherwack House the Most Notorious On 8 January 1979 I was transferred to Witherwack House, it was a couple of weeks before my eleventh birthday. As far as I know I was the very first resident in the home after it opened and I remained there until 1984. This was to be the worst five years of my live. Almost immediately after moving to Witherwack House I was subjected to constant physical and psychological abuse by members of staff and 'care' workers. I was constantly picked on by members of staff who dragged me around by my neck; punched me, grabbed me by the testicles, gave me black eyes and a broken nose. I was also forced into a bath of hot water and then cold water. When I was alone the staff beat me, punching me repeatedly with both fists in the stomach and my head, causing great pain. During one such instance I screamed and cried for them to stop but they just kept on beating me. I begged them and still it went on. I was also sexually assaulted by a male member of staff who later became involved with child protection. He informed me that he would single me out for punishment The forms of punishment employed by the staff at Witherwack House included restraint techniques. On one occasion my arm was held up my back so badly my shoulder blade needed medical treatment. My thumb would be bent backwards. until it touched my forearm. This was done at least daily and was extremely painful. I suffer from epilepsy and I believe this was caused by my head being hit of objects. This was not reasonable punishment and force being used - this was evil. I often heard screams of other residents being abused. Indeed I witnessed a rape of a girl who was eight or nine at the time - I tried to intervene but I was beaten senseless for my trouble - it was the best kicking of my life. I was assaulted at least five or six times a day. On one occasion I was raped. Children were encouraged to have sex with each other and if we didn't we would be kicked and beaten all over again. I was also bullied by other children at the home, by the order of the staff - I carry the scars on my head to prove it. Even now I have flashbacks and nightmares about the abuse. My life has been spoiled as a result of the abuse I have suffered, I do not trust people and sit and study people to try and understand them because I still feel people want to hurt me. I believe that the Director of Social Services was fully aware of the abuse that went on as was the Assistant Director of Social Services. Today and Tomorrow........... As a result of my experiences I have avidly campaigned against child abuse and spoken with local and national media on many occasions to spread the message and raise the awareness of child abuse amongst the public. In a similar way to when I was in care when I felt it was my duty to absorb the abuse suffered by others, I continue to feel it is my responsibility as a survivor, to try and prevent it happening to others. I have canvassed my local MP and the Government for 15 years; I was awarded damages, but not Justice.

From the UPC team and survivors - Thank you Brian for being brave. Posted 22/08/2021

Norfolk county Council ignored this 'family' situation -

I was born in the 50s to a mother who was a prostitute. she wed an alcoholic who beat the crap out of me for not being his real son. A girl disappeared into bramerton woods with a council social worker. My 5 yo sister disappeared from bramerton lodge.

Over the years my 'mother' had more than ten of us children each with a different father and saw a lucrative way of funding her lifestyle. She sold us all to paedophiles. All Norfolk and Suffolk authorities did nothing to help us. I was shipped off to a place in Bramerton Lodge owned by Colman's of Norwich in Norfolk where a Norfolk council 'social worker' trapped me in a locked dark bedroom where he sexually abused me, I was nine years old.

One of my sisters regularly disappeared because she was pregnant, this happened 4 or 5 times and when I tried to find her I was admonished severely. Another sister went missing and I traced her to a salvation army place in Crystal Palace, she was pregnant. I got punished for tracking her down. And yet another sister was raped by her father Robert Conway. He asked me if I agreed with him having sex with a child and was a customer of my prostitute 'mother'. This rape was done with the consent of my 'mother'. My brothers also disappeared for a while but they were too embarrassed to say what happened to them. All this under the watchful eye of all authorities here in Norfolk

One of the sad things about all this is that I'm the oldest of the children and most of my siblings have died through drug and alcohol issues. One sister I believe committed suicide. Also, a niece was sold to a religious freak and she has not been seen since.

Over the years I've come across abused children and tried to get them some help but each time I approached the relevant authorities they totally ignored the children's complaints. So, in memory of my remaining siblings and other children who I know have been abused I am going to continue fighting for answers and justice.

I believe you should tell your story in order to build up a wall between child abusers and children. Authorities don't protect children so it's up to us as victims and survivors to care for defenceless at risk children.

Child abuse, what child abuse? A psychopath Paula Dyble from Winterton in Norfolk beat children for no reason, sold them to paedophiles and killed a Rottweiler dog by beating it and punching it in the face. The children continuously complained to me about the abuse and pains they had so the children and I reported the abuse to Norfolk and Suffolk police, social services, councils, everyone in the house of parliament, schools, every UK council and NHS and so on... eventually, an unqualified Irish immigrant Karen Fox of a family law firm in Norwich and Lisa Mancini of Suffolk social services came to my door and declared that the children will stay in that abuse situation. Upon hearing all this, the psychopath came after me with a knife saying she would kill me for reporting her. Failing to do this the psychopath enlisted her family to kill me, they disappeared. Then the police called in to kick me around my home with the blessing of Norfolk chief constable. Me and the children continued complaining. As punishment for this, one of the children was severely gang raped in a Great Yarmouth cemetery. So, off we go to Norfolk police to report the rape which we found out later was ignored and dismissed.

Abuse victim silencing. Because institutional/parliamentary abuse is predominant in the UK, (search author Sonia Poulton - Paedophiles in Parliament) victims and survivors are often physically forced to keep quiet about how they were abused by various authorities. Here are examples of this silencing carried out by police... Police broke into my home and physically knocked me around. Suffolk police chase me along the A12 to arrest me for reporting Dybles child abuse. Having complained about child abuse to the relevant authorities, I was arrested and imprisoned many times. Also, upon complaining about sexual abuse to every person in parliament and authority, parliament emailed my doctors medical centre ordering Doctor Andrea Meyerhoff, (she phone me to tell me this) and police to permanently silence me! A prime example of silencing is the Melanie Shaw matter.

WARNING: Every child remembers being abused. If you abused that child keep looking behind you (legacy) and be fearful of what is going to happen to you. That child might die and haunt you and when you die that child will torture you eternally.


FAO of my children who've had the brainwashing - Incest begins in a Norfolk home. I'd been warned by workmates, my boss, outsiders and others but did not heed their warning. The family are incestuous. After the children were born she decided without obvious reason to disassociate and take the children to live with her incestuous parents and siblings. One of the wife's sisters invented a story of sexual abuse and afterwards was told by a judge that there was a place in Holloway for her, she went on to work in social services.

FAO; Tony D - you broke the 'law' with a child. You need to know your biological father is Donald formally of Filby. Molly confirmed this facts. 

29th August 2023 

This is what my introduction will be like for a book that I am writing.

Hello there let me introduce myself too you. My names Kieran Thomas. I was born in Harrow middlesex England. I now live in a south london suberb. This book is going to go deep into a world of extreme trauma, deaths, child abuse etc. Be aware this book is not for the faint hearted and at points you may feel that a box of tissues are nescessary. I can only appologize for anything that may or may not upset you. This isnt the intention of this book. As well as a life full of traumatic expierences, theres crimes that i was involved with all around the country. The crimes could be burglaries, Robberies, even the unfortunate charge of manslaughter in which i recieved a 10 year sentence. Crime was unfortunatly normalised too myself and unfortunatly became a very big part of my life. At the time of writing this i have served over 13 and half years incarcerated in prison. i now live with post traumatic stress disorder. This has resulted on a number of times where i tried to end my life. Luckily im still here to tell my story. This is my story written by me about my lifes journey. This book is written not only too tell my story and get it out there. It has also been written so that others may learn from my past and they wont make the same mistakes as me. My current age is 43 years of age. My life went so out of control that it cost me the relationship with my daughter as she was adopted. My life of being a criminal stopped and I am now a childrens campiagner against child abuse. I run support groups online for parents that have lost their children. I have spoken all around England at events that i have been invited to speak publically. My journey and aims are different now to what they once was. Too find out more read on.

Welcome to my world just dont get lost in it.

Those of you in Norfolk take note: Richard Bacon MP is a paedophile in the intimate company of Olivia Colman's family (Colman's of Norwich) AKA Archant (media). Every member of Norfolk council protects them.

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