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Home Page

THE TRUTH is mocked, attacked, denied & hated it's STILL THERE


Saving Just One Child's Life Is Worth Every Minute Of My Own Life (rw)

Children of the future need protecting from abuse and victims of past abuse need support.

All of us here are victims in one way or another which has been the cause of many of us being alone and isolated and in some cases suicidal. We believe isolation and loneliness is not the way to get answers and justice for abuse crimes committed against us. So we are here for you to vent, tell your story and support other victims and survivors. ​

Contact page Find out how we can help you.

Testimonials See your story in our  where members are resolving issues and hoping they can help save a child's life. 

News ... Have you got some news for us and want to support us protecting children? Tell us on our news page.

UNITING with your testimony will help us save a child from harm. Doing nothing will harm that child for ever.

Question parliament, prime minister, politicians, councils and councillors 

Write to your politicians, national or local, for free. Over 200,000 messages sent last year. 'WriteToThem' 

In case they ignore or block you.

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Go to our news page to find the most recent events and exposures

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